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Employee Emeritus

You know how University Professors, when they retire, they are still recognized as being a Professor Emeritus, which means they had achieved a high level or recognition when they retired? Well, that’s what this section is about. Hopefully it will never get to have too many people in it, but it seems like something nice to recognize the loyalty and hard work of people with whom we spent so much time.

Rosie worked with Dr. Payet longer than anyone else during 2 separate periods with our office. She took an unplanned “break” from the office when she broke her ankle a few years ago, but we (and all our patients!) were so glad when she came back.

For Rosie, dental assisting is much more than just a job – it’s a passion and fulfilling career that started when a hometown dentist challenged her to believe in herself. An Arizona native who dearly loves her family, close friends, watching movies, she also wishes she could make every day a “Happy Chocolate Day!”

Rosie has achieved the highest level of achievement as a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA), and she demonstrated it every day working with Dr. Payet.

Sadly (for us at least), at the end of 2014, Rosie decided to move home to Arizona to spend more time with her 3 sons, her 4 grandchildren, and to help care for her aging mother. After 5 years of working together, I depended on Rosie so much, it’s hard to describe, and all of us here miss her. We wish her the best, and even though we know it won’t happen, she knows that if she gets tired of too much time with family and Arizona’s too hot, she’s always welcome back. But for her years of hard work, dedication, and passion, Rosie is hereby awarded our very first Lifetime Honorary Employee award. 🙂

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