Blog - Science in Medicine & Dentistry

  • Do You Trust Your Dentist?

    Posted by: Charles Payet | On: April 21, 2019

    I’ve practiced dentistry in Charlotte since 1998, and this question keeps popping up.  I even addressed the topic directly before: Whom Do You Trust? Why? Do You Trust Your Dentist? The newest attack on dentistry & trust in our profession comes in an article in The Atlantic: “The Truth about Dentistry.” Is there some truth […]

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  • In Defense of Science & Reason

    Posted by: Charles Payet | On: December 16, 2017

    I’ve generally avoided politics on our website, but on Friday, December 15, the Washington Post reported one of the most horrifying & terrifying items to yet emerge from the Trump Administration, and I can no longer be silent.  I believe that the very foundation of our nation is under deliberate attack, and every opportunity must be […]

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  • Book Review: “The Death of Expertise” by Tom Nichols

    dental expert Charlotte dentist Dr. Payet

    Posted by: Charles Payet | On: March 12, 2017

    If you’ve been reading this blog over the last few years, you’ll certainly have noticed a pattern: a reliance on established, peer-reviewed science and critical thinking.  Whether the topic is GMO vs. organic vs. conventional food, cavity prevention, cancer, juicing, or flossing, I always rely on expertise, accumulated and tested knowledge, and consensus over anecdotes, one-off […]

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