What’s the Black Line Under Old Crowns?
Here’s a case from a few years ago where the patient was really unhappy with his old, yellow, ugly old Porcelain-to-Metal crowns, partially because of the dark grey line at the crowns’ edges. That black line between the gum and crowns was from the metal inside the crowns showing through. He only had crowns on the top 6 front teeth (a bad idea), and he wanted all of his teeth bright white, and he’d gotten the crowns initially because of severe Tetracycline staining of his teeth. They were the darkest teeth I’ve EVER had to treat. I’ll post something soon about how to create a beautiful smile despite tetracycline-stained teeth, but for this I simply want to show that dental crowns that are used to create a Smile Makeover can be just as beautiful and natural-looking as all-porcelain crowns.

Replacing ugly old porcelain-and-metal crowns with a dark grey line at the gums with porcelain-to-gold crowns that look beautiful, natural, and white – to cover tetracycline-stained teeth.
Most New Dental Crowns Have No Metal
Especially with our Same-Day Porcelain Crowns, we almost never need crowns with metal inside them anymore, but there are occasions that it’s still a good choice, as with tetracycline-stained teeth.
If this is the kind of dentistry you’d like,
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We’ll look forward to meeting you soon!