Frequently Asked Questions about Six Month Braces

FAQs at a Six-Month Braces Consultation

Six Month Braces #2

These questions really aren’t surprising, and you’ve probably wondered about them already yourself if you’re considering this remarkable cosmetic dental option, so here are your answers:

Can you REALLY move my teeth in just Six Months?

Yes, we really can.  I know it seems hard to believe, because most everyone thinks that you have to wear braces for 18 months to 3 years to get everything right.  You can take a look at this Smile Gallery to see a whole bunch of people who’ve had their front teeth straightened in 6 months or less.

HOW do you move teeth that fast?

It’s quite simple, really, and it’s not magic or rocket science.  Basically, since we’re really doing cosmetic braces, this is an alternative to porcelain veneers.  That means we are just concentrating on straightening the front teeth, NOT trying to correct major bite problems. Answer these 3 questions and you’ll know if you’re a good candidate for Six Month Braces:

  • Do you have any jaw or muscle pain, or a history of headaches?
  • Do you have any difficulty chewing or biting normally, or is your bite really “off” in the back teeth?
  • Do you have some spaces in the front teeth you’d like closed or crowded front teeth you want straightened?

If you answered NO the first 2 questions but YES to the last question, then you are probably a good candidate for Six Month Braces!


This is, of course, the most fun question.  It’s amazing how many times patients will want to start RIGHT NOW.  As in, before they’ve even left the Complimentary Consultation appointment.  And most of the time, we can accommodate.  Getting started is literally as easy as getting molds of your teeth, a complete set of photos, and a panoramic x-ray (this one goes around your head and records your entire jaws, joints, etc. to make sure there are no complicating factors).  We send the info to our 6 Month Smiles lab, which makes custom trays that let us put pretty much all the brackets on at once, just a couple of weeks later.  It’s much easier and faster this way, I promise.  And off we go!


If this is the kind of dentistry you’d like,

Request an Appointment Online or call us at 704-364-7069.

We’ll look forward to meeting you soon!

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