A story about Kat, her migraines, and her NTI nightguard

I’d like to supplement the last post about Kat’s treatment with the story of a discussion we had after an appointment sometime in 2008, when she’d had her NTI-tss nightguard for about 18-20 months.  It demonstrates just how “miraculous” a treatment the NTI can be for chronic migraine headaches.

When Kat first came to us, she had suffered migraine headaches for as long as she could remember (I’m not allowed to tell you how long that is, of course – a gentleman never asks nor tells a lady’s age!), and she had tried practically every medication, had every scan done, had allergy testing done, massage, chiropractic, physical therapy……….you name it, she’d tried it.  I think the only thing she hadn’t done was Botox, ’cause she doesn’t like that idea.

2 weeks after starting to wear her NTI, Kat came in for her first follow-up visit and told us in amazement and pleasure that the ONLY headache she’d had in those 2 weeks was the day after drinking a bit too much and forgetting to wear her NTI.  It was one of the first days in years she had no headache and no migraine!  And that continues today…….

But the cool thing…..because sometimes people are hesitant to pay $600+ for a “nightguard” from a DENTIST, of all people, to treat their headaches……after she’d had her NTI for those 18 months, I asked her the following question:

“Kat, if I were to offer you $1,000 (One Thousand Dollars) to buy your NTI back from you, with the condition that you could never get another one, would you take it?”
Kat looked at me as if I were crazy for a moment before bursting out laughing and asking, “Are you crazy????  No way!”

So there you go…she wouldn’t even accept $1,000 for a piece of acrylic and lexan, because it’s made that big a difference in her life.

Would you be willing to pay $1,000 if all you had to do to get rid of your migraine headaches was to wear a custom-fitted and adjusted dental nightguard?  Instead of all the medications?  What if your insurance would not cover it?

Given that I occasionally suffer migraine headaches myself (usually when I’m overworked, not sleeping well, not eating enough, AND most importantly, not wearing MY NTI), and I know just how excruciating the pain can be, I am often amazed that someone would not pay $650, which is our usual fee, to stop the suffering, but they would prefer to keep suffering because their insurance won’t take it.  Huh?  I don’t get it……

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